- Iqlab rule ( الإقلاب) is one of Noon sakinah and Tanween rules,
- also, Noon sakinah is noon letter with no Harakah or has sign of Haa letter on it, it can be at at the middle or the end of the word, but can’t be at the beginning of the word.
- Tanween is 2 Harakah (two fataha or two damma or two kasirah), located at the end of the word but doesn’t occur at the beginning or middle of the word.
Iqlab rule Meaning, pronounction and Examples (الإقلاب)
What does Iqlab mean ?
It means to change or convert some thing to onther .
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What are letters of Iqlab rule?
It has only one letter which is ( ب )
pronunciation Method of Iqlab rule:
If a Noon Sakinah or Tanween is followed by the letter ( ب ) , it is Changed into hidden Meem with Ghunnah while lips are slightly open prepared to say ( ب ), not completely closed.
What is the difference between hidden and clear meem?
When you pronounce hidden meem you should make you your lips slightly open, In the opposite, when you pronounce clear meem you should close your mouth completely.
Examples of Iqlab rule:
- (مِن بَعْدِ )—> Noon sakinah in one word is followed by baa letter in next word.
(أنبئهم)—> Here Noon sakinah is followed by baa letter in one word. - ( لَنَسْفَعًا بِالنَّاصِيَةِ )—> Tanween ( 2 fataha) in one word followed by baa letter in next word.
- ( يَوْمَئِذٍ بِجَهَنَّمَ )—>Here Tanween ( 2 kasara) in one word followed by baa letter in next word.
So from these four examples we can conclude that Iqlab in case of Noon sakinah can be occur in one or two words, But in can of Tanween, Iqlab is only in two words.
- Iqlab Is to change of Noon Sakinah or Tanween into ( م ) when followed by ( ب )
- It’s pronunciation should be with ghunnah and the hiding of meem
- It is correctly pronounced by slightly opened lips .
- ( Noon sakinah or Tanween + letter ba (ب) —> change letter baa to Meem.
Read more about:
Qalqalah rule meaning and types.
Meem sakinah rule.
Surah Al-kafiroon