
Noon Sakinah and Tanween rules: Tajweed learning

Noon Sakinah and Tanween Rules  ( أحكام النون الساكنة والتنوين ) are very important rules to read Quran well. They are easy to be Taught for kids or beginners reciter, let’s learn more about  shapes and forms of sakin Noon sakinah and Tanween and their positions in the word.  Noon sakinah and Tanween shapes  What is  Noon Sakinah? Noon Sakinah comes into two shapes : 1  -  A Noon without Harakah . 2 - A Noon with a Sukoon sign above it. Sign of sukoon Noon sakinah What is shape of sukoon ? Sukoon shape is small head of letter (ح) like above picture. What is Tanween ? Tanween is a Noon Sakinah which comes at the end of nouns, not located at the beginning or middle of the word. There are 3 shapes of Tanween, it is a double of same…
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