
The Fascinating Characteristics of \”Istilaa\” and \”Istifaal\”

Let\'s explore the fascinating characteristics of \"Istilaa\" and \"Istifaal\", which add depth and nuance to Arabic pronunciation. What is th meaning of Istilaa (الإستعلاء)? ## Istilaa (الإستعلاء) - The Elevated Istilaa refers to the elevation of sound when pronouncing certain Arabic letters. Here are the key points about Istilaa: 1. Definition: Linguistically, Istilaa means elevation. In applied tajweed, it signifies directing pressure of the letter to the roof of the mouth due to an elevation of the deepest part of the tongue. 2. Letters with Istilaa: The seven letters exhibiting this characteristic are أ (alef), ل (lam), ر (ra), ء (hamzah), ح (ha), خ (kha), and غ (ghayn). 3. Practice Example: When pronouncing these letters, elevate the posterior portion of your tongue to the roof of your mouth (in the soft palate area). Simultaneously, drop your jaw slightly to increase mouth space, and focus the sound of the letter upward.…

Ashiddah, At-Tawassut and Al-Rakhawa pronunciation & Examples

What is the difference between Ashiddah, At-Tawassut and Al-Rakhawa pronunciation & Examples? Certainly! Let\'s delve into the fascinating world of \"Ashiddah\" and \"Al-Rakhawa\", two intriguing characteristics of Arabic letters. These qualities play a crucial role in pronunciation and contribute to the beauty of Arabic language. academy offers one to one online Quran, Tajweed and Arabic classes with Arabic natives speakers teachers from Egypt. Enroll now and get free trail class and start your journey with the holy Quran what the meaning of Ashiddah and Al-Rakhawa? ## Ashiddah (الشدة) - The Strength Ashiddah refers to the strong stoppage of sound upon pronunciation of a letter when it carries a sukoon (a diacritic indicating the absence of a vowel). Here are the key points about Ashiddah: 1. Definition: When you encounter a letter with Ashiddah, you emphasize its sound by relying strongly on the makhraj (the point of articulation) or by…

Al-Jahr and Al-Hams in the context of Tajweed

Al-Jahr and Al-Hams in the context of Tajweed, the rules of proper Quranic recitation.   Meaning of Al-Jahr and Al-Hams in Tajweed 1. Al-Jahr (The Apparent): Definition: Al-Jahr refers to the controlled, restricted breath flow when pronouncing certain Arabic letters. Application: When a letter has Al-Jahr, you pronounce it with strength at its articulation point. The breath does not flow freely during its pronunciation. Examples of Al-Jahr Letters: Most Arabic letters fall into this category, except for the specific Al-Hams letters (which we’ll discuss next). For example, letters like ب (ba), ج (jeem), and د (dal) exhibit Al-Jahr characteristics. academy offers one to one online Quran, Tajweed and Arabic classes with Arabic natives speakers teachers from Egypt. Enroll now and get free trail class and start your journey with the holy Quran 2. Al-Hams (The Whisper): Definition: Al-Hams involves the flow of breath when pronouncing certain Arabic letters. Application:…
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