Quran For Beginners

- Qaida Noorania Online or Noorani Qaida is a basic course for all who want to learn reading the Quran from the very beginning. This short course has all the important lessons for the correct recitation of the Quran. The course starts with the Arabic Alphabet and gradually leads the student from simple to joined letters, Arabic words and Quranic Ayah and rules of Tajweed. One can register to a free Quran class to experience how our tutors brief you about learning Quran online.
- The Online Qaida Course improves your recitation skills. It will enable you to read Quran in Arabic fluently without mistakes. Noorani Qaida is considered a basic part of learning the Quran with Tajweed round the world. Because this Qaida comprises all the essential rules of Quran recitation and Tajweed. Once a student learns Noorani Qaida with the Online Quran Tutors then, he faces no hurdles in reciting Quran with Tajweed.
- We have designed ready-made lessons for students of all age groups to learn Qaida easily in a very short time. Our Online Quran teachers will teach you in such a manner that you will find yourself fluent in reading the Quran after completing this Qaida. We have female Quran teachers for kids and ladies for this course.
- Earning the Quran is a spiritual journey that connects believers with the divine message. For beginners, understanding the Arabic language and mastering its pronunciation are essential steps toward this sacred goal. In this article, we explore the Noorani Qaida Online course offered by Quran by Call, which provides a solid foundation for Quranic reading.
1- What is Noorania Qaida
The Noorani Qaida serves as a stepping stone for learners who wish to read the Quran correctly from the very beginning. This concise course covers fundamental lessons necessary for accurate Quranic recitation. Let’s delve into its key components.
2- Arabic Alphabet and Proper Pronunciation
• The journey begins with the Arabic alphabet. Students learn individual letters, their shapes, and their correct pronunciation.
• From simple letters, they progress to joined letters, forming basic Arabic words
3- Short and Long Vowels (Harakat)
• Understanding short vowels (such as fatha, kasra, and damma) and long vowels (huroof maddah) is crucial for fluency.
• Students practice applying these vowels to words and phrases.
4- Rules of Tajweed
• Tajweed refers to the rules of proper Quranic recitation. Noorani Qaida introduces students to essential Tajweed principles.
• Topics include proper pausing (waqf), nasalization, and the unique characteristics of specific letters.
5- Noon Sakinah and Tanween Rules
• Students learn how to handle noon sakinah (silent noon) and tanween (short vowels on the last letter of a word).
• These rules ensure smooth recitation without stumbling.
6- Mastering the Art of Stopping (Waqf)
• Proper pausing and stopping (waqf) at the end of verses is essential. Noorani Qaida teaches students when and how to pause correctly.
Why Choose Noorani Qaida Online?
1- Structured Learning: Noorani Qaida provides a systematic approach, ensuring that beginners grasp each concept thoroughly.
2- Fluency in Reading: By completing this course, students become fluent in reading the Quran without mistakes.
3 -Strong Foundation: Noorani Qaida lays the groundwork for further Quranic studies, including memorization (Hifz) and deeper understanding (Tafsir).
Embark on Your Quranic Journey
Whether you’re a child, an adult, or someone seeking to reconnect with the Quran, Noorani Qaida Online offers personalized guidance. Our experienced tutors patiently lead you through the intricacies of Arabic pronunciation and Tajweed. Start your blessed journey toward understanding the divine words of the Quran. JazakAllah Khair (May God reward you)!
Learn more about the Noorani Qaida Online course at (https://quranbycall.com/courses/quran-for-beginners/)QuranByCall.com (https://quranbycall.com/courses/quran-for-beginners/)1 (https://quranbycall.com/courses/quran-for-beginners/). (https://quranbycall.com/courses/quran-for-beginners/).
Brief Course Outline of Noorani Qaida Online
- Arabic Alphabet & their Proper Pronunciation
- Letter Recognition
- Letter Positions
- Connecting Letters
- Short Vowels (Harakat)
- Long Vowels (Huroof Maddah)
- Sukoon
- Tanween
- Letters of Leen
- Rules of Noon Sakinah & Tanween
- Rules of Raa
- Rules of Laam
- Noon Qutni
- Waqf ( Proper Pausing and Stopping)
Let’s start the blessed journey towards beautiful recitation of Quran with Noorani Qaida online. We have well trained and experienced teachers for kids and beginners. We also offer some other Qaida courses like Noor-ul-Bayan, Iqra Qaida, and Qaida Baghdadi.