Qalqalah Meaning and letters
Qalqalah is a very important tajweed rule you should learn to read the holy Quran correctly,by the end of this article you will learn about:-
1- Qalqalah meaning.
2-Qalqalah types.
3- Qalqalah letters.
4-How to pronounce Qalqalah .
what are Qalqalah meaning and types ?
Qalqalah meaning :-
Making an echo or vibration sound at the articulation point of the letter, so know let’s know What are theses letters?
letters of Qalqalah :
Qalqalah letters are only five letters ( ق , ط , ب , ج , د ), which collected in one Arabic word ( قطب جد ).
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Method of pronunciation of Qalqalah letters:-
The reciter should make Qalqalah or Vibration If any Qalqalah letters is Sakin (either the letter has a Sukoon sign on it or it is Sakin because of stopping temporarily ).
What are Qalqalah Types ?
Qalqalah has three types:-(arranged from strongest to weakest)
1-Major or strongest Qalqalah
2- Midium or strong Qalqalah
3-Minor OR weak Qalqalah.
1- MINOR OR WEAK Qalqalah:
This type of Qalqalah occurs when the letter of Qalqalah is in the middle of a word .
Example: ( الأبْتَرُ ) ( صَدْرَكَ)
This occurs when the letter of Qalqalah is at the end of a word, the Qalqalah letter doesn’t have Shaddah and the reciter makes WAQF ( stopping) on that word.
Example: (الصَّمَدُ ) ( حَسَدَ)
This happens when the letter of Qalqalah is at the end of a word, the letter of Oalqalah has Shaddah and you are stopping on that word, so the rule is ( temporarily stopping +shaddah at the end of the word)
Example: (الْحَجِّ) .
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