• What is meant by word ” Wajib ” ?

” Wajib ” is an arabic word which means “Mandatory”

  • What is meant by word ” Muttasil ” ?

 ” Muttasil ”  is an arabic word which means “Joined”.

      Thus , Madd Wajib Muttasil is a mandatory madd presents in the same word so its called Muttasil or ” joined ” 

Conditiones of Madd Wajib Muttasil :-

1- ( Madd letter (أ) or (و) or (ي) )


2- (Hamza (ء) in the same word )

If a Madd letter (أ) or (و) or (ي) is followed by a Hamzah (ء)  in the same word , the reader shall prolong the Madd letter for ( 4-5 ) beats .





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