MADD JA’EZ MUNFASIL المد الجائز المنفصل
What is the meaning of Madd?
Madd means to prolong sound of some letters, these letters called “ Madd letters”
What are letters of Madd? And conditions?
there are 3 letters of Madd:
- الالف Alif letter should be sakin and preceded by Fataha.
- الواو waw letter should be sakin and preceded by damma.
- الياء Yaa letter should be sakin and preceded by Kasra.
What is meant by \” Ja\’ez\” ?
Ja’ez is an arabic word which Means “permitted”.
What is meant by \” Munfasil \” ?
Munfasil is an arabic word which means “Seperated”.
So this madd should be happened in two separated words where the first word has the letter of Madd + second word which has hamza letter, Thus this madd can be located in one word
Thus , Madd Ja\’ez Munfasil is a permitted \” non mandatory \” madd presents in two words so its called Munfasil or \” separated \”
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Conditiones of Madd JA\’EZ Munfasail:-