Madd tabee’ee is a basic rule for any Quran reciter, this rule is a very common in the Quran and so easy to learn, So now What is the meaning of Madd word and Tabee’ee in Arabic language?!

What is the meaning of Madd Tabee’ee?

Al-Madd means: Long or making the sound of some letters( Madd letters) longer.

May be defined as to make the Madd letters long under some conditions.  

What is the meaning of Tabee’ee?

Tabeeee means natural, this means that there no difficulty in pronouncing this madd, even you don’t know much about tajweed.   

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What are letters of Madd? And their conditions?

There are three letters of madd, which are:

  1. Alif letter( ا ): should be sakinah and preceded by Fataha sign, like قَالَ
  2. Waw letter(و ): should be sakinah and preceded by damma Sign, like يَقُولُ
  3. Yaa letter( ى ): also should be sakinah and preceded by kasarah sign, like قِيلَ.
    These letter are collected in one Arabic word in the Quran نُوحِيهَا       


The way of Al-madd Tabee’ee pronunciation

How many beats for Madd Tabee’ee?

It is prolonged to 2 beats or seconds.

How many beats for other tapes of Madd?

Al-Madd can be prolonged  two , four or six beats depending upon its kind.

Types of Madd:
• Madd Tabee’ee
Madd Al-Badal
Madd Al-Ewadh
Madd Aaridh Li-Ssukoon
• Madd Al-Leen
Madd Waajib Muttasil
Madd Jaa’ez Munfasil
• Madd Laazim

We explained all of these types separately in other articles, please check our blog.

MADD Tabee’ee

  • Madd Tabeeee means the natural Madd.which is simply one of the Madd letters (ا)or (و)or  (ى) not followed by a Hamzah ( ء) or a Saakin letter.

  • The natural Madd is prolonged two beats.

Example: –

Some Examples on Alif madd ( لَا ، صَامَ ، قَامَ )

Examples on waw madd ( المؤمنُون ، يَسْمَعُونَ ، الكافِرُونَ )

Yaa madd examples ( الفِيلَ ، أبَابِيلَ ، قِيلَ )

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